Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Breaking Bread

As many of you know, one of our favorite things to do is entertain. I believe sharing a meal is one of the most sincerest forms of friendship that people can do for one another. Over the holidays Mary and I had a few friends over and broke bread. I also had some fun with my remote timer and brand new 85 mm 1.2. What a sweet lens. The first few pictures were taken with the new lens and no flash with little more than candle light. The last picture was one in a series that I was taking with my remote timer and my 16-35 mm 2.8. I chose this one cuz I thought it was cool how 8 people were having 3 separate conversations.

Guest list includes Wendy (Mary's business partner) and Bobby, Stacy and Scott (I photographed their wedding in July '07), Jen and Michael (I will be photographing their new one due to arrive late Feb. '08) and Mary and myself.

A great time was had by all.

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